Distribution and Pricing Agreement Registration (DAPA)

A Distribution and Pricing Agreement (DAPA) helps establish the selling price for medical and pharmaceutical products and gives the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) the authority to distribute the DAPA-holder's products to the military. Part of the Prime Vendor Program, DAPAs are established with pharmaceutical and medical/surgical manufacturers and distributors. Under the DAPA, the agreement holder consents to allow the prime vendor to distribute its products to the ordering facilities and agrees that the prime vendor will be charged the same price as established in the agreement.

What is DAPA?

A DAPA is not a contract. It is an agreement between DLA Troop Support and the manufacturers/suppliers of the MSPV Program. The DAPA establishes both the selling price of products and the authority to allow DLA Troop Supports PVs to distribute a DAPA-Holder’s products to DLA Troop Supports military and other federal customers.

DAPA Certification Benefits with USFCR

The DAPA registration process can be confusing, time consuming, and frustrating. It can take up to 6 months or longer to complete a DAPA registration. USFCR typically gets DAPAs submitted 2 months and then it takes the DLA about 30 days to review the submission. Not all DAPA holders work directly with the DLA. Some are placed in subcontracting arrangements with a prime contractor for sales to the DLA.

A USFCR DAPA Registration Includes:

  • DMMonline Contractor Registration Completion
  • Completion of Distribution & Pricing Agreement
  • Completion of Regional Incentive Agreement
  • MSPV Authorization Type Indication
  • Contractor Product Liability Coverage Submission
  • DAPA Selective Marketing Campaign
  • List of Target DLA Contracting Officers
  • Distribution Government Resume and DAPA Accreditation

USFCR is Here to Help

If you have any questions or would like assistance with federal registrations and contracting, call USFCR at:
(877) 252-2700
Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET

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